Measures of the URL in relation to COVID-19
MEASURES FOR THE YEARS 2021-2022 AND 2021-2022
The Ramon Llull University (URL), due to the prolongation of the exceptional situation caused by the Covid-19 crisis, will continue to deploy the necessary measures of prevention, security and attention to its university community during the academic year 2021-2022.
The Governing Bodies of the University, with the aim of being able to continue offering an orderly and organized attention to academic activity while maintaining the principles of quality and equal opportunities, have approved the document Criteris generals d’adaptació del curs 2021-2022 de la Universitat Ramon Llull al context d’excepcionalitat de la Covid-19. With this document the University gives legal certainty to the measures applied to deal with this exceptional situation.
Also, in accordance with the request of the Department of Research and Universities, the URL centers have designed their contingency plans to comply with the guidelines indicated by the Sectorial Plan of Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which includes the security measures to be applied to the facilities and equipment of the university campuses.
For any questions regarding this issue, please contact On the other hand, the information is kept updated on the University's institutional website ( as well as on its Twitter channel (@uramonllull). In addition, you can consult the information published on the websites of the URL institutions in the following links:
IQS, Blanquerna, La Salle, Faculty of Philosophy, Esade, Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work, Ebro Observatory University Institute, Vidal i Barraquer University Institute of Mental Health, Borja Institute of Bioethics and ESDi Higher School of Design (affiliated center).
Given that the current situation forces us to continue deploying different types of prevention and attention to the crisis of the Covid-19 and with the aim of being able to attend in an orderly manner and in time to the organization of academic activity of the year 2020-2021, Ramon Llull University has developed the document Criteris generals d’adaptació del curs 2020-2021 de la Universitat Ramon Llull al context d’excepcionalitat de la Covid-19. This document is a response to the University's desire to continue to provide maximum guarantees and legal certainty to all the measures that must be applied to face the current exceptional circumstances.
Likewise, this document contains a contingency plan that allows, if the situation so requires, a generalized and immediate change to an online teaching system. On the other hand, and following the request of the Secretary of Universities of Catalonia, the different centers of the University have designed their contingency plans to comply with the guidelines indicated in the Sectorial Plan for Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which covers the security measures to be applied in the facilities and equipment of the university campuses. All these plans are included in the Specific contingency plan of the Ramon Llull University for Covid-19.
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact The information is also updated on the University's institutional website ( and on its Twitter channel (@uramonllull). In addition, you can consult the information published on the websites of the institutions of the URL in the following links:
IQS, Blanquerna, La Salle, Faculty of Philosohy, Esade, Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Sant Ignasi, Ebro Observatory University Institute, Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health, Borja Institute of Bioethics and ESDi Higher School of Design (affiliated center).
You can also find out about the assistance that, from the different areas of spirituality of our centers, we offer to our community:
- Esade-URL: Spirituality Team
- Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work-URL: area of spirituality and university ministry
- Borja Institute of Bioethics-URL: Ethical resources on Coronavirus (Covid-19)
- La URL participa en la campanya del Departament de Salut de cribratges massius de Covid-19 (9 d'abril de 2021)
- Acord del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya en relació a les mesures als campus universitaris per contenir l'índex de contagi per COVID-19 (29 October 2020)
- Comunicat de la SGEAF sobre l’afectació a l’esport català de les noves mesures de restricció de l’activitat i la mobilitat per a la contenció de la pandèmia de COVID-19 a Catalunya (29 October 2020)
- Acord del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya per a l’adopció transitòria de mesures per passar la formació teòrica presencial de les universitats catalanes a format virtual (13 October 2020)
- The Rector of Ramon Llull University addresses the university community on the occasion of the beginning of this academic year, which is marked by the extraordinary situation caused by the Covid-19 (14 September 2020)
- Links from where you can access the different virtual campuses of the institutions of the URL:
IQS, Blanquerna, La Salle, Faculty of Philosophy, Esade (intranet), Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work, Borja Institute of Bioethics and ESDi Higher School of Design (affiliated center).
- Resolució SLT/2147/2021, de 8 de juliol, per la qual es prorroguen i es modifiquen les mesures en matèria de salut pública per a la contenció del brot epidèmic de la pandèmia de COVID-19 al territori de Catalunya
- Resolució SLT/1934/2021, de 18 de juny, per la qual es prorroguen i es modifiquen les mesures en matèria de salut pública per a la contenció del brot epidèmic de la pandèmia de COVID-19 al territori de Catalunya
- Resolució SLT/1840/2021, d'11 de juny, per la qual es prorroguen i es modifiquen les mesures en matèria de salut pública per a la contenció del brot epidèmic de la pandèmia de COVID-19 al territori de Catalunya
- Resolució SLT/1778/2021, de 4 de juny, per la qual es prorroguen i es modifiquen les mesures en matèria de salut pública per a la contenció del brot epidèmic de la pandèmia de COVID-19 al territori de Catalunya
- Resolució SLT/1587/2021, de 21 de maig, per la qual es prorroguen i es modifiquen les mesures en matèria de salut pública per a la contenció del brot epidèmic de la pandèmia de COVID-19 al territori de Catalunya
- SEPIE Protocol for entry of highly qualified workers for stays of less than 90 days (May 2021)
- In relation to the measures approved by PROCICAT on Thursday, Marchy 4, and published in the DOGC number 8358 of Saturday, March 6, 2021, on the extension up to a maximum of 30% of student attendance in theory classes from Monday, March 8, we inform you that each faculty will communicate to their students, through the appropriate channels, the details of the implementation of this new measure (March 5, 2021).
- In relation to the measures approved by PROCICAT on Thursday, February 4 on the flexibility of the attendance at university centers for first year undergraduate students, we inform you that each faculty will communicate to their students, through the appropriate channels, the details of the implementation of this new measure (February 5, 2021).
- El Consell Assessor Municipal d'Universitats (CAMU) de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona publica una declaració en què reivindica la recuperació, el més aviat possible, de la presencialitat a les universitats (January 26, 2021).
- Modification of the Sectorial Plan for Universities. Document approved by the Technical Committee of the PROCICAT Plan for emergencies associated with emerging communicable diseases with high potential risk dated September 18, 2020.
- Sectorial Plan for Universities of the Generalitat. Document approved by the Technical Committee of the PROCICAT Plan for emergencies associated with emerging communicable diseases with high potential risk dated June 29, 2020.
- Recomendaciones del Ministerio de Universidades a la comunidad universitaria para adaptar el curso universitario 2020-2021 a una presencialidad adaptada y medidas de actuación de las universidades ante un caso sospechoso o uno positivo de Covid-19.
- Recomendaciones sobre criterios generales para la adaptación del sistema universitario español ante la pandemia del Covid-19, durante el curso 2019-2020
- Acuerdo de REACU de 3 de abril de 2020, ante la situación de excepción provocada por el Covid-19
- Consideracions d’AQU Catalunya davant la declaració de l'estat d'alarma en l'àmbit de l'activitat docent en educació superior
- Document de treball sobre l’avaluació universitària no presencial de 16 d’abril de 2020, en el marc del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya (CIC)
- Document de treball sobre Pràctiques externes, Treballs finals de grau i màster i Calendari acadèmic de 21 d'abril de 2020 en el marc del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya (CIC)
- CRUE (2020). Informe sobre Procedimientos de Evaluación no Presencial. Estudio del Impacto de su Implantación en las Universidades Españolas y Recomendaciones
- CRUE (2020). Informe sobre el impacto normativo de los procedimientos de evaluación online: protección de datos y garantía de los derechos de las y los estudiantes
- CRUE (2020). Guía sobre protección de datos personales en el ámbito universitario en tiempos del Covid-19
- Ministerio de Universidades: Informe de iniciativas y herramientas de evaluación online universitaria en el contexto del Covid-19
- AQU: Orientacions per a l'adaptació de les titulacions universitàries en períodes d'emergència sanitària i excepcionalitat: implantació, desenvolupament i acreditació
- Principis i criteris organitzatius de la docència i les pràctiques clíniques assistencials dels estudiants universitaris en els centres sanitaris, en la situació de crisi sanitària per la covid-19 (Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca / Departament de Salut)
- Pràctiques universitàries en centres educatius formadors durant el curs 2020-2021 (Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca / Departament d’Educació)
Public information
Catalan area:
- Procediment d’actuació enfront de casos d’infecció pel nou coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
State and international area:
Throughout the 2019-2020 academic year, Ramon Llull University (URL) maintained the maximum possible academic-teaching normality by migrating all face-to-face teaching activities to an online context, maintaining class schedules and conducting them in a synchronized format. Likewise, the evolution of the Covid-19 outbreak was continuously monitored and our activity was adapted to the different regulations and recommendations made by the socio-sanitary authorities, with whom we have maintained constant communication.
The URL, following the recommendations of the Ministry of Universities, prepared the document Criteris generals d'adaptació de les titulacions oficials de la Universitat Ramon Llull en el marc de la crisi de la Covid-19, which served as a reference for all its centers and which included the general criteria to be applied for the adaptation and organization of the activity due to the crisis by the Covid-19. This document was agreed upon by the Academic Council as well as by the Governing Board.
- Our Student Council has enabled this email address through which students can send their requirements, problems, ideas or doubts about anything related to the monitoring of the course and the change to non-attendance mode (07.04.2020)
- Maintenance of non-attendance teaching activities at Ramon Llull University (03.04.2020)
- Temporary suspension of classroom activities at the URL (12.03.2020)
- Restricted access to the Rectorate building of the Ramon Llull University (15.03.2020)
- Information related to displacement of university students: "The displacement of students between provinces to collect study material and equipment may not be carried out until phase III of de-escalation" as reported by the Ministry of Health to CRUE (08.05.2020)
- Press release from the Government, AQU Catalunya and the 12 Catalan universities regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic (25.03.2020)
- Reminder for university community members on mobility programmes (25.03.2020)
- Information for students
- Ètica en temps de confinament - URL ETHOS Chair
- Recursos éticos sobre el coronavirus (Covid-19) - Borja Institute of Bioethics
- #esdiinsidethecube, reptes de disseny per combatre la quarentena
- Propostes educatives per a jugar i aprendre amb els infants - Fundació Pere Tarrés
- #DoBetterSavvy by Esade
- #EsadeStaysConnected by Esade
- A potential protease inhibitor to fight against Covid-19 (24.03.2020)
- Recomanacions ètiques per a les organitzacions que pateixen efectes negatius arran de la pandèmia del Covid-19 (14.04.2020) - URL ETHOS Chair
- 300 people attend the Webinar Obs with Rafael Luciani, theologian at Boston College (17.04.2020)
- The CoviNanoVax project, coordinated from the URL, receives funding from the Covid-19 Fund (04.05.2020)
The 2019-2020 academic year will be remembered for the impact of the global crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This health crisis caused an exceptional situation that altered the normal functioning of institutions and on-site educational centers.
URL activated all the necessary mechanisms to remain active and fully operational and, likewise, its university community reacted with great involvement and commitment, making social and scientific contributions to the fight against the coronavirus and its effects.