Pedagogical innovation and quality
One of the strategic principles of the URL is to ensure quality, innovation and excellence in the training offer and its services. Therefore, the culture of quality and pedagogical and teaching innovation are part of the main pillars of the strategic policies, focused on the consolidation of structures, processes and tools to achieve the objectives of excellence

En el nucli fundador de la Universitat es troba la nostra proposta metodològica docent, consolidada des de fa dècades i que ha resultat ser una clara anticipació del Pla de Bolonya per al procés de convergència i construcció de l’EEES

Ensuring quality and achieving excellence represent two of Ramon Llull University’s key activities. For this reason, it is fundamental we define policies and global and transversal strategic lines for all URL centres in terms of innovation and academic-teaching quality. The quality plans we have prepared thus far in this area are a clear example.

In this section you’ll find all the relevant information about the URL Academic-Teaching Quality and Innovation Unit (UQIAD) which is in charge of coordinating and managing the different quality and innovation policies in our university as well as all the different areas in which the URL’s innovation and quality strategies are implemented. These areas consist of the following: Quality monitorisation and evaluation, Teaching innovation and Analytical and university prospective studies.

La UQIAD-URL, a partir del treball en xarxa amb les unitats/àrees de qualitat dels centres i les facultats, potencia, coordina i revisa els processos d’avaluació de l’àmbit academicodocent amb la finalitat de contribuir a l’assegurament dels estàndards de qualitat i d’excel·lència de la nostra universitat (elaborats a partir dels estàndards i directrius per a l’assegurament de la qualitat en l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior (2005) i (2015).

Pedagogical-teaching innovation has always been one of the differentiating traits of Ramon Llull University’s methodological and educational proposal for its programmes.

These recommendations have been developed by the Working Group on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence Tools Applied to Teaching-URL. As a result of interdisciplinary collaboration, the Working Group seeks to establish ethical guidelines and practices to ensure that the use of AI-based tools is beneficial and respectful of the values of the whole university community.

Through initiative of Ramon Llull University’s Management Board and the Quality Commission, the university has developed different mechanisms since its outset to gather information about students’ opinions during different stages of their educational and professional careers, carrying out periodic studies on different stakeholders’ level of satisfaction.

This Unit of the Rector's Office of the URL provides support to the different academic centres in managing and addressing diverse academic topics, helping with internal quality assurance and ongoing improvement actions for their educational offering and supporting services for learning. This office also supports pedagogical-teaching innovation and modernisation projects and innovation.
An internal academic-teaching quality and innovation management tool at URL. Access restricted to the centres.
An internal management tool for URL’s PhD programmes. Access restricted to the centres.