Own qualifications
IQS School of Engineering
Own qualifications
In collaboration with Borja Institute of Bioethics-URL
Health Sciences
Engineering and Architecture
IQS School of Management
Own qualifications
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Own qualifications
Jointly with Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health-URL
Health Sciences
Health Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
In collaboration with UVic (Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya) and Vedruna Catalunya. Coordinated by: UVic
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Health Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Health Sciences
Blanquerna School of Health Science
Own qualifications
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
Own qualifications
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
La Salle Digital Engineering School
Own qualifications
Engineering and Architecture
Engineering and Architecture
Engineering and Architecture
Social and Legal Sciences
Engineering and Architecture
Engineering and Architecture
La Salle International School of Commerce and Digital Economy
Own qualifications
Also available online (more information here)
Social and Legal Sciences
Engineering and Architecture
Engineering and Architecture
Social and Legal Sciences
La Salle School of Architecture
Own qualifications
Engineering and Architecture
Engineering and Architecture
Engineering and Architecture
La Salle Faculty of Philosophy
Own qualifications
Esade Business School
Own qualifications
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Engineering and Architecture
Esade Law School
Own qualifications
Social and Legal Sciences
Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
Own qualifications
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Social and Legal Sciences
Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
Own qualifications
In collaboration with Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences-URL
Health Sciences
Borja Institute of Bioethics
Own qualifications
In collaboration with IQS School of Engineering-URL
Health Sciences
ESDi Higher School of Design (affiliated center)
Own qualifications
Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities