Sustainable development
Sustainable development means achieving social and economic development and environmental protection in a balanced and coherent manner.
Society demands that organizations implement actions for change and, at URL, we wanted to take on a transformational role capable of generating long-term value for all our stakeholders in the social, environmental, ethical and economic spheres.
We have accepted the challenge of highlighting our environmental, social and governance commitments through a sustainability strategy and a roadmap. And we do this thanks to a team of 9 people from all URL institutions led by Janette Martell (Sustainability and Impact, Esade-URL).
For us it is an opportunity to explain with transparency what we do. What we do well and is aligned with our principles of Christian humanism. And what we don’t do so well and need to improve.
Driving the 2030 Agenda
The URL initiated its commitment to the 2030 Agenda in 2019 by appointing Blanquerna-URL professor Òscar Mateos as the rector's delegate in this area. In January 2021 the Commission for the Promotion of the 2030 Agenda was created, which endorsed the goal of implementing an Action Plan for the period 2021-2023. In September 2023 Janette Martell from Esade-URL took over as the new Rector's Delegate at the head of the Commission to further drive the commitment. During the 2023-2024 academic year, this Commission undertook a strategic planning process that culminated in July 2024 with the 2023-2026 Action Plan.
This Action Plan, which has been inspired by the five central axes of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 5 “P's” of Sustainable Development: People, Prosperity, Peace, Collective Participation and Planet), consists of 4 objectives and 6 actions on which the URL Commission will focus its efforts.
In parallel to the task carried out by the Commission for the Advancement of the 2030 Agenda, the URL Decarbonization Working Group, coordinated by Professor Núria Llaverias (IQS-URL), has focused on other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the purpose of developing a URL Climate Action Roadmap.
Commission for the Promotion of the 2030 Agenda
The main functions of the Commission for the Promotion of the 2030 Agenda, coordinated by Janette Martell and composed of 9 people from different institutions of the URL, are to promote the coordination of the actions and strategies of the institutions of the URL around sustainability, provide information for the preparation of various reports, indicators, surveys and reports, and disseminate information on activities, actions and calls.
In line with its purpose of achieving a positive impact on society, and adopting trust, generosity and commitment as core values, the Commission:
- Promotes the building of internal alliances.
- Focuses its efforts on raising awareness and sensitizing individuals and the URL community on issues related to the SDGs and sustainability.
- Encourages actions, in coordination with the URL Decarbonization WG, to reduce the environmental impact on the planet and contribute to the URL decarbonization goal by 2045.



Blanquerna Foundation

Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work

La Salle

Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health

ESDI Higher School of Design (affiliated center)

Ebro Observatory University Institute
Sustainable Development Goals of the URL

- Define the Sustainability Policy of the Ramon Llull University that values what unites us, shows the social commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and serves as a framework for decision-making to give greater impetus to the 2030 Agenda.
- Develop a Scorecard to monitor and strengthen the communication of the progress achieved in the integration and mainstreaming of the SDGs / Sustainability at the URL.
- Develop a communication plan to make visible the progress and successes in the social commitment of the URL with the SDGs.

- Create internal alliances that contribute to fostering collaborative work around the Sustainability Goals (SDGs).

- Make accessible some events on social and environmental issues among the institutions that make up the Ramon Llull University.

- Provide information and evidence of projects / initiatives for the year and academic year for THE Impact Ranking.

Future Objectives
In a next phase, the actions of the Commission for the Promotion of the 2030 Agenda will be aimed at expanding its contribution to SDG 6 (water quality), SDG 7 (energy efficiency), SDG 13 (climate action), SDG 15 (terrestrial biodiversity) and, to a lesser extent, SDG 3 (health and well-being) and SDG 5 (gender equality).
Committed research
The URL's research activity takes the form of 50 research groups, whose work contributes to the achievement of the different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The three SDGs most present in URL's research activity are Goals 3-Health and well-being, with 23 groups, and 4-Quality education and 5-Gender equality, with 16 groups each. In contrast, the only SDG that is not linked to any University research activity is 15-Earth Life.
In the Socially Committed Research section you can consult the search engine for research groups of the URL related to the SDGs (scroll to the bottom of the page).
The URL is a socially responsible university committed to people and their environment. Its main reason for being is its students, training them to be the best professionals in the world and for the world.
The URL is committed to contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UNESCO Declaration on the Responsibility of the Present Generations towards Future Generations. This commitment is manifested in the effort to work to mainstream sustainability in its curricular offerings and, at the same time, offer undergraduate and graduate programs focused on sustainable development.
Of particular note are the studies that URL offers related to sustainability and the environment: