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15 masters’ degree of Ramon Llull University ranked among the Top 5 by ‘El Mundo’


These degrees are positioned in the Top 5 of Spanish Universities in their subject areas

Wednesday, June 19, 2019. The ranking, which selects the Top 5 postgraduate programs in 50 subject areas, aims to select the best masters and provide information about them, their career opportunities, the internships they offer and the duration of the programs.

The 15 masters of Ramon Llull that have been ranked in this edition in their subject areas are: 

  • 2nd position: Training Teachers for Secondary and Sixth-form Teaching, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (Blanquerna)
  • 2nd position: Science in Project Management (La Salle)
  • 2nd position: Legal practice (ESADE)
  • 2nd position: Tax Consulting and Management (ESADE)
  • 2nd position: International Business Law (ESADE)
  • 3rd position: Science in Bioengineering (IQS)
  • 3rd position: Science in IT Management (La Salle)
  • 3rd position: SAP Functional Consulting (La Salle)
  • 4th position: Intellectual Property and the Information Society (ESADE)
  • 5th position: Global entrepreneurial management (IQS)
  • 5th position: Advanced Journalism (Blanquerna)
  • 5th position: Advertising Strategy and Creativity (Blanquerna)
  • 5th position: Supply chain management and technology (La Salle)
  • 5th position: Digital marketing (La Salle)
  • 5th position: Events Management and Business Tourism (HTSI)
This publication also presents a complete MBA Guide to the most prestigious business schools in Spain, and it consolidates ESADE-URL as one of the most prestigious institutions.

In order to elaborate the ranking, the newspaper has evaluated up to a 1,000 postgraduate programmes belonging to around 50 subject areas and, subsequently, the 5 best universities that teach them have been selected. Finally, 250 master's degrees were selected.

The classification is the result of an analysis of 25 selection criteria divided into 5 sections: demand for the master's degree, human resources, study plans, outcomes and material resources. In addition, the evaluation of nearly 800 experts, professors, graduates from the institutions and collaborating companies has also been taken into account, who, through an anonymous survey, evaluate which are the best centres for teaching the degree, their strong and weak points and the quality of the master's degree, among others.

For further information:
Mireia Córcoles
Rankings Manager
Tel. 936 022 208

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