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Six of the URL bachelor’s degrees are among the best in Spain, according to “El Mundo” ranking


The Ramon Llull University has been ranked the 12th Spanish best one in the ranking published by El Mundo, and has consolidated its position as the second private university in Spain

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018. The Ramon Llull University (URL) is the 12th best university in Spain according to the "50 Carreras" (“50 undergraduate programmes”) ranking of universities published by the newspaper El Mundo. This result brings the URL up to the second position among the Spanish private universities.

The El Mundo ranking assesses the 50 most popular undergraduate programmes and the five best universities to study at. In the present edition (the 18th), six programmes taught at the URL have appeared among the top-5 in their areas:

Among these six programmes, is it is worth noting the first position of the Social Education programme of the Faculty of Social Education and Social Work (FESTS) Pere Tarrés-URL. It has reached the Spanish top for the fifth year in a row. Then, the Advertising and Public Relations programme of the Faculty of Communication and International Relations Blanquerna-URL also maintain its second position for ninth year in a row. The Social Work programme by FESTS-URL keep its third position in the ranking, while the Law programme by ESADE-URL do the same thing with its fourth place.

As new features, it is also worth noting the result of the BBA Business Management programme (ESADE-URL), which is now the second best one in its field. Moreover, the degree in Chemical Engineering (IQS-URL) also appears in the ranking.

In order to complete this ranking, El Mundo has 27 selection criteria divided into three main sections: a questionnaire sent to 2,000 professors, the data provided by the university itself and other indicators of external studies, with results in international rankings, ANECA reports and reports from Spanish universities, among others.

In addition, the criteria followed to elaborate the general ranking of universities is the sum of first, second and third positions, followed by the sum of four and five positions. In this edition, 45 higher education institutions have won a place in the medallion.

You can consult the results of the ranking here.

For further information:
URL Press Office
Mireia Córcoles |
Marc R. Bleda |
Tel. 936 022 228

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