The Aristos Campus Mundus project has been awarded the Campus of International Excellence seal with the highest rating

The Ministry has just published the resolution on the final evaluation of the Campus of International Excellence project
Wednesday, 14 December 2016. The Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) has published the resolution on the final evaluation of the Campus of International Excellence (CIE) projects shortlisted in 2011 from the CIE programme, based on the reports drawn up by the International Committee. The Campus of International Excellence project Aristos Campus Mundus (ACM), promoted by the Universities of Deusto, Comillas and Ramon Llull, in strategic partnership with the U.S. universities of Georgetown, Fordham and Boston College has been awarded the Campus of International Excellence seal with the highest rating (A). by the Ministry.
The International Evaluation Committee has proposed that the Ministry makes the final confirmation of the award of European Regional Campus of Excellence (ERCE) to ACM project granting it the highest rating (A) and positively acknowledging the level of collaboration among the university cluster, both for their joint educational programme, shared teaching/learning methodology, research focus and approach to social transfer and responsibility. The report highlights the “notable and growing impact of the project, despite the geographic distance between the partners and the “success” in meeting the proposed objectives.
About CIEs
The Campus of International Excellence Programme, promoted by the General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Education, is one of the structural modernisation axes of Spanish Universities, aimed at improving the quality of the university system through partnerships, specialisation, differentiation and internationalisation of its best universities, which started its call for applications in 2009 as part of what is known as "University 2015 Strategy".
Aristos Campus Mundus (ACM) is a project promoted by the Universities of Ramon Llull, Deusto and Comillas that has been awarded the qualification of Campus of International Excellence in the European regional category awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education. It also has a strategic cooperation agreement with the U.S. universities of Georgetown, Boston College and Fordham.
Further information on ACM web project
For further information:
Anna Tosca
Press Office and Social Networks
Ramon Llull University
Tel. (34) 936 022 228 | (34) 692 671 597 |
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