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The URL adds its name to the statement from the EUA concerning the bombing of the University of Garissa, Kenya


Barcelona, 24 April 2015. Ramon Llull University has added its name to the statement from the European University Association (EUA) on the terrorist attack on the University of Garissa (Kenya) in memory of those killed and affected by the Garissa attack and other attacks on universities and university values worldwide.

With this statement, the EUA reaffirms its belief that any act of violence or attack on education goes against the fundamental university values of freedom of thought and expression, tolerance and autonomy and undermines everyone's ambition and fundamental right to gain qualifications and make a contribution to their nation, society and the world.

More information:
Carles Targa
Director of the Department of Communication and Institutional Relations
Ramon Llull University
Tel. 936 022 206 / 600 017 346


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