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The international onsite stages are back on La Salle-URL campus


La Salle-URL receives more than 50 MBA and Project Management students from the Colombian university EAFIT

Thursday, December 2, 2021. A total of 56 students from EAFIT, one of the most important universities in Colombia, are taking an international stage at the La Salle-URL campus to complement their education in MBA and Project Management. Between November 15 and December 10 they are following a program of activities, classes and sessions with the purpose of developing and improving their skills and abilities in issues such as leadershipmotivation and international negotiation.

After a time when international exchange experiences had to become virtual, with this short course La Salle Campus Barcelona reactivates its program of onsite international stages. Since 2015, and annually, students from Peru, Mexico and Colombia carry out exchange stays at the La Salle-URL campus within the framework of the program of stages and the promotion of internationalization. In this sense, La Salle Campus Barcelona has agreements with universities around the world and, more specifically, with some of the most important in Latin America, such as EAFIT, located in the Colombian city of Medellín.

"The mobility project for EAFIT students who come to La Salle Campus Barcelona was planned more than 10 years ago to involve our students at an international level. The exchange helps our students to open up the world, to learn to live together and solve problems in a different environment. It is a great cultural investment", explains Elkin Gómez, coordinator of the Master in Project Management at EAFIT. The two university centers, La Salle-URL and EAFIT, share this international vision of university education and values ​​such as innovationentrepreneurship, the promotion of research and a constant and close relationship with the business world.

More information

Glòria Maltas
Head of Corporate Communication
La Salle-URL
Tel. 93 290 24 00 | 616 940 559