Online Roundtable «Cosmopolitan and European Solidarity in the face of Covid19»
Conferences and workshops
Start date
Organized by: GLOBALCODES, research group of the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations at the Ramon Llull University.
With who?
- Dr. Valeria Bello, Associate Professor (Blanquerna-URL) and Board Member of the Scientific Council of the European International Studies Association.
- Dr. Massimo Pendenza, Full Professor in Sociology and Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of the University of Salerno (Italy).
- Dr. Stefania Panebianco, Associate Professor in Political Science and Jean Monnet Chair EUMedEA, University of Catania (Italy).
- Dr. Christian Kaunert, Chair of Policing and Security and Director of the Institute of European Studies, Jean Monnet Centre of the University of South Wales.
- Dr. Anna Terrón, Director of the Spanish Agency of Cooperation FIAPP and Associate Professor in European Studies (Blanquerna-URL).
- Dr. Lorenzo Fioramonti, Full Professor in Political Economy, Jean Monnet Chair and UNESCO-UNU Chair of the University of Pretoria.
- Moderator: Dr Oscar Mateos, Research Coordinator of GLOBALCODE and Associate Professor in Conflict and Security (Blanquerna-URL).
Platform Zoom
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Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-URL
C. Padilla, 326-332. Barcelona
Conferences and workshops
Aula Rosa Deulofeu (c. Carolines, 10. Barcelona)
Conferences and workshops
Auditori La Salle-URL Campus Barcelona
c. Sant Joan de la Salle, 42. Barcelona