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ESDi-URL lights up the commercial sector in Barcelona


Thursday, December 23, 2021. Together with their tutor Marcelo de Medeiros, students from the 2nd year of the Undergraduate Degree in Design have participated in the initiative «Christmas lights light up the commercial sector» with two facilities; the first one has been carried out in the shop Barreteria Mil, in Ciutat Vella (c. Fontanella, 20. Barcelona), and the other one in the shop Tot print, located in Sants-Les Corts (Av. Madrid, 218. Barcelona). The campaign was launched by Barcelona Design Centre and the Directorate for Commerce, Restaurants and Consumer Services of Barcelona City Council.

The students Maria Correia, Antoine Della Valle, Mathilde Faure, Kenneth Oberes and Ksenija Puolakainen have been the authors of the facility called «Present Continuous», with a special reference from the jury, acquiring the famous “Barret a Mil”. The project wants to show their past, present and future generations in a historical flyer. Light and hats are the focus of it. The scene of the past is lightened up with vintage lights, the present, with warm LEDs around the scene and the last one with LED neon lights that, together with the metallic background, give the futuristic frame to the creations of the younger generations of the family’s hats.

The students Kanika H. Berg, Raffaella Dagostin, Sara Husnjak, Elody Namek, Flurin Stecher and Georgina Vallés are the authors of the facility called «Let the colours dance», which aims to create an attractive atmosphere using the three primary colours related to the characteristics of the history of painting, by means of lights projected on a canvas. Printers are placed on the top shelf and televisions are dropped from them. Using fans, the fabric is set in motion and the light projects the colours.

The campaign, in which ESDi and 8 other design schools participate, apart from promoting young talent, encourages responsible and unique design in Christmas lighting for the windows of local shops, adding the attributes of innovative and creative city, while promoting a Christmas spirit close and identified with the following values: tenderness, welcome, respect, sustainability, responsible consumption, equality and diversity.

The facilities will be on display until 7 January.

Let the colours dance! Let the colours dance!


Beatriz Roig Colom
Communication and Marketing
ESDi Higher School of Design (affiliated center)
Tel. (34) 93 727 48 19 (ext. 222/223)

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