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La Salle-URL teaches courses in the digital field 100% subsidized by the Consortium for Continuous Training of Catalonia


Monday, 28th March, 2022. La Salle-URL will teach four fully subsidized courses for employed and unemployed people in the areas of cybersecurity and web development. The funds come from the European Commission through REACT-EU, an initiative that serves to deal with the economic and social consequences of the crisis and that is promoted by the Consorci per a la Formació Contínua de Catalunya.

In total, the fund has assigned La Salle-URL more than €210,000 to teach these four courses in the digital field:

These programs, with 30 places each, can be taken by both employed and unemployed people, although some priority groups will be valued. On the one hand, workers in small and medium-sized companies, women, people affected and victims of terrorism and gender violence, people over 45 years of age, low-skilled workers and people with disabilities. And on the other hand, unemployed people under 30 years of age, women, people with disabilities, long-term unemployed, over 45 years of age, people at risk of social exclusion and victims of terrorism and gender violence.

The Consorci per a la Formació Contínua de Catalunya allocates 42 million euros for the employment of 120,000 workers

The entity that promotes these aids, dependent on the Department of Business and Labor, has decided to grant more than 42 million euros in subsidies to finance training programs that will benefit some 120,000 active workers, both employed and unemployed. The courses are aimed at improving professional skills and obtaining professional certificates that respond to the needs of the Catalan production sectors.

More information

Gloria Maltas Pérez
Head of Corporate Communication
Communication Department
Tels. (34) 93 290 24 00 | 616 940 559


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