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The Minister of Research and Universities of the Catalan Government Gemma Geis visits Blanquerna Communication


Friday, 11 June 2021. For the first time, Blanquerna-URL has welcomed the tribunals of the University Entrance Exams (PAU) and as a closing of the process, the Minister of Research and Universities of the Catalan Government has visited our facilities.

Almost 40 thousand students from schools and institutes in Catalonia have been examined this year and more than 1,300 students did so in centers of the Ramon Llull University (URL), one of which was the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations-URL

This is the first time that the URL has hosted PAU tribunals in its centers, since this year the organizing committee of the tests, following health security protocols in the context of a pandemic, has decided to increase the number of tribunals and centers.

During her visit, counselor Geis was able to speak with the president of the tribunal, professor Isabel Civera from the Department of Linguistic and Literary Education of the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona, ​​and with part of the Management Team of Blanquerna-URL, headed by Dr. Andreu Ibarz; the Dean of the School, Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell; the Academic Secretary, Dr. Enric Xicoy and the Vice-Dean for Research, Postgraduate Studies and International Relations, Dr. Míriam Díez Bosch. The rector of the URL, Dr. Josep Maria Garrell, valued the reception of the PAU very positively and showed his willingness for the university to continue hosting tribunals in the future.

Més informació

Andrea Daza
Press and Communication
Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations-URL
Tel. 93 253 32 24 (ext. 6086)

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