Fifteen La Salle-URL postgraduate programs, among the best in the world according to the Eduniversal Ranking
Thursday, 22 April 2021. Eduniversal's ‘Best Masters & MBAs Worldwide’ 2021 ranking has selected fifteen La Salle-URL programs among the best in the world. To compile the ranking, one of the most prestigious in the university sector, Eduniversal has analyzed more than 22,000 postgraduate courses from 136 countries, dividing the chosen programs into 50 fields of study. Among the various criteria used to draw up the list, Eduniversal highlights three: the notoriety of the programs, the salary for the first job after graduation and the satisfaction of the students.
The fifteen La Salle-URL programs selected by Eduniversal are:
- Master in Supply Chain Management & Technology
- Master in Technology Management
- Master in User eXperience
- Master in Sustainable Architecture and Energy Efficiency
- MBA Full Time
- Executive MBA
- Master in Building Integral Management
- Postgraduate Course in Digital Marketing
- Master in Social Media Branding & Strategy
- Master in Cibersecurity
- Master in eHealth
- Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering
- Master in BIM Management
- Master of Science in Big Data
- Master in Agile Methods
More information
Maypi Torné
Head of Marketing and Admissions
La Salle-URL
Tel. (34) 93 290 24 00
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