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The Computer Engineering studies of La Salle-URL and La Salle Technova, recognized in the 26th "Nit de les Telecomunicacions"


Thursday, 17 June de 2021. The 26th ‘Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica’, held yesterday June 16 at the Barcelona Auditorium, granted special recognition to La Salle-Universitat Ramon Llull for 30 years of Computer Engineering studies and for the 20th anniversary of the La Salle Technova Innovation Park. The 'Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica' is the great annual event of the ICT sector in Catalonia and is jointly organized by the Catalan Association of Telecommunications Engineers ( and the College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia (COEINF ). The recognition reinforces the good work of La Salle-URL and the consolidation of two of its assets: pioneering Computer Engineering studies in Catalonia and the La Salle Technova park, a leader in the creation of technology-based companies.

"We are very grateful for the recognition that this mention implies", assured Dr. Josep Martí, Commissioner of Identity and Mission of La Salle-URL and member of the Board of Funitec, who was in charge of receiving the award. The ceremony, which recognized and awarded other professionals and projects in the ICT sector, was attended by, among other authorities, the president of the Parliament, Laura Borràs, and the vice president and minister of Digital Policies and Territories of the Generalitat, Jordi Puigneró .

La Salle-URL's Computer Engineering studies

The first of the recognitions that 'La Nit' made to La Salle-URL was for the 30 years of his studies in Computer Engineering. During these years, the studies had more than 1,100 graduates, more than 1,000 publications in magazines and participation in 80 research projects. "We introduced the studies at La Salle-URL in 1991 with the conviction that computing should be the substrate of communication technologies and a key element in the development of the society of the future," explained Dr. Josep Martí.

The beginning of Computer Engineering studies in 1991 coincided with the creation of the Ramon Llull University, of which La Salle-URL is a founding member. "It was the year in which the Parliament of Catalonia, with a social spirit and unanimously, approved the Universitat Ramon Llull project, which was an example of successful public-private collaboration that puts the common good first while preserving Catalan culture", said Dr. Josep Martí.

Recently, La Salle-URL's ICT engineering departments have been chosen by Catalan university graduates as the studies with the best training. In this sense, Dr. Josep Martí highlighted that "La Salle-URL computing is a comprehensive and solid training in continuous evolution, with international projection, distinguished with the Accreditation of Excellence from the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU)". On the other hand, during these 30 years the studies have involved hundreds of companies in multiple dynamics and activities, offering students the opportunity to grow by overcoming real challenges and favoring their professional projection in top-level companies in the sector.

20 years of La Salle Technova Barcelona

The La Salle Technova Innovation Park, founded in 2001, was also recognized yesterday during 'La Nit' for its 20th anniversary. "La Salle Technova develops the third university function of transfer and service to companies, which complements on campus the teaching function in engineering, architecture, management and animation, and the research function, focused on information and communication technologies", explained Dr. Josep Martí in his speech.

In these 20 years, the La Salle Campus Barcelona innovation park has accompanied more than 650 startups, has brought together more than 7,000 attendees in its events and activities and has raised more than 45 million euros through linked emerging companies. "La Salle Technova arose from the conviction to support in our country the creation of technology-based companies and the accompaniment of entrepreneurs", added Dr. Josep Martí, who to close his speech assured that "recognition is a new stimulus to continue being a leading campus with an eye toward the future".

More information

Maypi Torné
Head of Marketing and Admissions
La Salle-URL
Tel. 93 290 24 00

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