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Maintenance of non-attendance teaching activities at Ramon Llull University


Friday, April 3, 2020. In view of the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic, and as a continuation of the communiqué of March 12, the URL wants to express that:

  1. The teaching activities will continue in non-attendance mode during the months of April and probably May, pending the evolution of the pandemic and the measures and indications of the competent authorities.
  2. As for the academic calendar, each centre will study the modifications that will be necessary to introduce and will communicate them in due course.
  3. The URL continues to work with the Government and the other universities, within the framework of the Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya, on all aspects related to the teaching-learning activity of non-attendance studies, such as the achievement of competencies, their evaluation or the development of internships, among others.

We wish to reiterate the message of confidence and serenity in the face of this exceptional situation. And we would also like to express our gratitude for the commitment, effort and collaboration of our entire university community: students, PDI and PAS.

More information about coronavirus

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