1st ACM Educational Innovation Project Grants Programme – Call for applications now open
Tuesday, 13th February 2018. The Aristos Campus Mundus (ACM) Campus of International Excellence has opened the call for applications of the 1st Aristos Campus Mundus Grants Programme for Educational Innovation Projects, whose aim is to provide funding for the best projects conducted by the academic staff from the three universities that form the ACM Campus of International Excellence: Deusto, Comillas and Ramon Llull. This programme has a total budget of €12,000 and the projects must be conducted in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years.
Requirements and deadlines
The academic staff from the three universities, in groups of two or more lecturers from ACM’s partner universities, departments, faculties or schools, should take part in the projects when the proposal so requires. In all cases, the person in charge should be mentioned.
The submission deadline for applications is 23 March 2018. All applications must be made online with confirmation of receipt from ACM Secretary's office at: innodocente@aristoscampusmundus.net.
Excellence in ACM’s educational innovation
ACM launches this call to promote and support educational innovation in the implementation and development of official undergraduate and postgraduate degrees for the academic staff at the three ACM partner universities. In line with this aim, it seeks to:
- Support initiatives for the improvement of official undergraduate and Master’s degrees based on the follow-up and renewal processes of the accreditation.
- Encourage, facilitate and support academic coordination actions.
- Foster new teaching/learning methods and promote good teaching practices.
- Enhance the use of ICTs and Virtual Campus platforms in teaching and learning.
Further information
- First ACM Educational Innovation Projects Grants Programme – 2018 Call for Applications
- Application form
Gemma López
Tel. 936 022 209
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