URL chosen to be a member of the Standing Committee of the CRUE
Thursday 7 May 2015. The General Assembly of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas, CRUE), meeting yesterday at the Rey Juan Carlos University, agreed to appoint Josep Maria Garrell, Rector of the Ramon Llull University (URL) as a member of its Standing Committee.
The universities that currently comprise the Standing Committee are Zaragoza, Autonomous University of Madrid, Pontificia Comillas, Valencia, Sevilla, Lleida and Ramon Llull.
This is the second time that the URL has been present on the Standing Committee of the CRUE throughout its 24-year history. In fact, the URL was part of this same Committee from 2003-2012, during the mandate of Esther Giménez-Salinas, URL Rector from 2002-2012.
This appointment reaffirms the URL's strong commitment to society and to the university system.
Further information:
Anna Tosca
Head of Press Office and Social Networks
Ramon Llull University
Tel. 936 022 228 | 692 671 597
atosca@rectorat.url.edu | twitter.com/uramonllull
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