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ESADE-URL, ranked seventh business school worldwide in executive education by the Financial Times


Monday, 18 May 2015. ESADE-URL is the seventh business school worldwide for executive education. According to details published today by the prestigious British newspaper The Financial Times, ESADE-URL remains among the top ten business schools in the world in the annual ranking that measures the quality of Executive Education programmes.

The list is divided into three classifications: one for executive programmes ("open"), in which it has risen to seventh position worldwide; another for custom programmes for companies ("custom"), in which ESADE-URL stands at number twelve, and a third that combines both classifications, in which our school is in eighth position. 

ESADE-URL, first in the world in executive support

According to Jordi Brunat, director of Executive Education at ESADE-URL, "ESADE-URL's presence among the best ten schools in the world reflects excellence in executive education and cooperation with business". According to the ranking, ESADE-URL occupies the first position worldwide in its support to participants after they have completed the programme. This assessment confirms the school's commitment to businesses and executives in order to ensure that their training has a real impact on professional development and business, which "has required a considerable effort to ensure world-class quality, and a personalised approach provide to both participants and their companies", said Brunat.

Thus the ranking positively assesses all the variables that depend on the satisfaction of participants, and focuses on the objectives achieved once the programme has finished and on the teaching methodology that teaching staff apply. These are short programmes designed to enhance the skills of each profile at the various stages of their professional development (from young executives to senior management) or professionals with particular needs (entrepreneurs, women managers, etc.). 

Global top ten in executive training

ESADE-URL's programmes for executives have developed significantly in recent years to reach this place among the top ten in the world. The Financial Times ranking places us in eighth place, confirming the quality of the programmes and the satisfaction of participants with the skills and the abilities developed during the course and the subsequent usefulness of these in their jobs, and that of the personalised follow-up provided by ESADE-URL.

More information:
Oriol Llop
Communication ESADE-URL
Tels. 934 952 099 / 679 430 768

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